Are All Business Bots Helpful?A chat bot is a program software program used to perform an on-line chat session through either text or voice-to-voice, instead of giving direct personal contact to an individual. These chat bot programs are generally used as a means of...
A Quick Look at Black Truffle Sea Salt and Its Variations
Sea salt is a wonderful addition to any salty dish. In fact, sea salt is an ingredient found in practically every type of dish there is. If you haven't had black truffle salt before, you might wonder how the salty, black flakes will taste together. In most cases, once...
Pink Amazon River Lights Bring a Bright Ambiance
Pink Amazon River Lights Bring a Bright AmbianceThe pink Himalayan salt Amazon is considered the saltiest saltwater aquarium salt available on the market. It's hard to top. It comes in many different varieties with the most popular one being the crystal pink. There...
A Great Way To Enjoy Truffle Salts
The truffle is a delicious and somewhat unusual food, but have you ever stopped to consider just what makes this food so unique? While many people seem to think that truffles are simply made from chocolate truffle, this is not the case at all. This snack is made from...
Fleur De Lis – Crude De Luxe
Fleur de sels are sea salts harvested from the waters surrounding the coast of Eastern Europe. Fleur de sels are often used in conjunction with other materials such as herbs, to give a salty taste and feel to sea food and beverages. In fact, the word fleur de sel...
Four Great Truffle Salt Cooking Tips
Four Great Truffle Salt Cooking TipsSea salt is a very salty treat that is often included in many dishes. The black truffle is considered as one of the most expensive type of sea salt available in market. It is also known as rock salt or crystal salt. The black color...
The Benefits of Using Kosher Sea Salt
When most people think of kosher salt, they usually picture sea salt. Unfortunately, kosher sea salt does not have the same health benefits as table salt. Sea salt has long been a favorite for its briny flavor and mineral content, but recent scientific research has...
How To Use Truffle Salt In Your Cooking
How To Use Truffle Salt In Your CookingWhat exactly is Black Truffle Salt? Truffle Salt Development Invented centuries ago, infusing powdered salt and oil with truffle has only been recently developed in the US. The first company to introduce the truffle salt mixture...
Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt Lamps
Pink Himalayan salt has a very high concentration of trace minerals. This makes it ideal for use in many applications, including as kitchen salt and for making jewellery. There are other types of naturally occurring salt on the market that are not as beneficial, such...